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Let’s talk about Manifesting – I’m not going into people seeing numbers.

10/10 Portal

Some dates have significance

Like 8/8 Lions Gate in August and today 10/10 in October.

10/10 portal is all about manifesting, creating your reality and timelines.

You know everyone always asked why do I see 11:11 all the time. Honestly if spirit is showing YOU numbers then it’s up to you to work out the significance. Sure you can look up what 11:11 means… it means the spirits are trying to show city something. And no one I’m an interpret what that means for you.

But let’s talk about manifesting.

There’s books and YouTube and Law of Attraction and The Secret.

But let’s break it down to the bare essence of it.

As Gregg Braden says…

To act like it has already is

Gregg Braden

As witches So it is

So I first step is to act like it already is.

The reasons for this is simply..

We create our reality, so without any doubts you need to believe it.

Part of living in belief is our language and the words we use to create and in setting our intention.

I want my own house… you know what the subconscious does with this? It goes ohhh there’s a feeling word in there… yes let’s give her the feeling of wanting.

In manifesting the act of living like it’s already come to pass is that your would you feel gratitude for receiving. Therefore instead of I want my own house you could say – I’m so grateful that I have my own house.

Manifesting is attached to our belief and the feeling of it.

An example that I use with my clients to really understand the feelings in manifesting is American Indians doing a rain dance. They aren’t doing a specific set of steps that brings rain. What they are doing is recreating the feeling of joy of dancing in the rain.

Kristy – Spells and Spirits

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Spirituality Types

spirituality types

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul”

― Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta Society

Spirituality Types are defined as you go through life and encounter many different types of spirituality. Many have belief in a God but choose to practice without a place of worship. Perhaps you find your connection through art or nature. Define your spirituality as you continue on your journey.

The term “Spirituality” is quite a broad concept. When referring to ourselves as being spiritual, we are acknowledging a higher power or something bigger than us. Spirituality is a sense of peace and oneness with all. It is, essentially, a way of life letting go of the material world.

There are many Spirituality Types and below we discover some of the different kinds.

Mystical Spirituality

Intuition and soul. You have a belief everything being connected, or unity of experiences. Everything you experience on your spiritual journey surpasses the material world. People who identify with this kind of spirituality believe in Karma, that everything happens exactly how it should or that everything happens for a reason. All in your life can be explained and this is what connects and intertwines all your experiences into one. The goal is to find inner peace and attain complete mindfulness in your spiritual life.

Authoritarian Spirituality

Believing that there is a hierarchy to this world. There is an authority figure and everything should be structured or follow a set of rules. Occasionally, people who fall into this kind of spirituality can be or are also fundamentalists. When you are a fundamentalist, it means you do not accept any other religion or religious beliefs . Only your own religion is the truthful one.

Intellectual Spirituality

It is likely you enjoy learning, reading and watching videos about spiritual theories. Often your opinions will change as you learn and grow. Knowledge is the backbone of this kind of spirituality.

Service Spirituality

This spiritual life path is quite common and those who associate themselves with it live life in service to others. They believe that spiritual inner peace will be obtained by helping other people. Expecting nothing in return for doing good for those who need it is a selfless act which brings many to their spiritual self.


Yoga is an estimated 5000-year-old, ancient practice which engages the mind and body. The aim is to open and soften the mind through movement – a kind of kinetic meditation. Yoga helps to connect one to oneself. Those who have struggled with addiction, eating disorders, traumatic events etc. have found peace with themselves through the practice as it connects the mind, body and spirit.

Connecting With Nature

Nature is a brilliant way to aid recovery. One does not need to be the adventurous type, going on camping trips every weekend hiking through mountains and forests. One can simply lie on some grass absorbing the earthy scent or lounging on a beach somewhere, rejuvenating your skin with the sun and salt. Exposed to nature helps to alleviate negative emotions like, anger, stress or depression, but also contributes to your physical well-being.


Meditation is a skill one learns through practice. It takes time and consistent practice to get comfortable with the steadying of your thoughts. Meditation comes in many different types. There is really, no wrong method. Maybe you could be lying in bed having some quiet time with your eyes closed or you could be out in nature sitting in the lotus position but essentially, meditation is about being within the present moment and nothing more.

Being Spiritual can mean different things for different people. Some people follow the religious side of life. Religious practices provide a physical method in which we actively praise our belief system, whatever it may be. For many spirituality is not religious but more organic.

Spells and Spirits

Spells and Spirits
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Cinnamon is perhaps one of the most widely used herbs in spell crafting. You could essentially toss it into any spell and it would still make sense.

Cinnamon has many magical properties, Cinnamon Protection Love Luck.

Cinnamon for protection love luck along with healing, prosperity, spiritual awareness, and aiding psychic powers. On top of that, cinnamon can be added to any spell to help it act more quickly or to simply give it a little extra boost.

Browse our online store to purchase. Information courtesy of Witchcraft Way

Cinnamon for Protection

Looking for a way to shield your home from negative energies? Tie together cinnamon sticks and hang them above your door. The most common number to use is nine. You can also lay cinnamon sticks across your windowsills if you’re worried about other thresholds. Burning cinnamon incense and spreading the smoke around an area can dispel negativity and help keep the space protected. Alternatively, place cinnamon sticks in a pot of water along with other protective herbs like rosemary, clove, and sage. Boil the herbs for a few minutes to imbue the water with their properties. Once cooled, strain the herbs from it and put it in a spray bottle. Use this spray around doors and windows as a protective barrier. You can also carry cinnamon with you to help protect you from attacks of a spiritual nature.

Cinnamon for Love & Lust

Because of its ties to fire, cinnamon is especially good for enhancing the male libido. If you’re looking to heat things up with your significant other, burn some cinnamon incense in the bedroom. Tucking cinnamon sticks beneath your pillows can also give your sex life a healthy boost. Use cinnamon essential oil on your person to help increase your natural sexual attraction. Adding a bit of cinnamon or cinnamon oil to the mix will undoubtedly speed up the process. Combined with elements of love such as jasmine and vanilla, cinnamon will brings a balance to love spells between romance and passion.

Cinnamon for Prosperity

The addition of cinnamon calls for quick action, speeding up the outcome you are searching for. Place a cinnamon stick in your wallet to invite money to find you. Alternatively, you can put a few drops of cinnamon oil on your wallet for the same purpose. Burn cinnamon incense at work or in your home with intent that it will invite financial gains in your life. If you are creating a money satchel to carry around, combine cinnamon with other prosperity herbs like basil, ginger & nutmeg.

Cinnamon is a versatile ingredient

There are few herbs, oils and incense stand up to cinnamon when it comes to pure usefulness. With its quick and effective action, along with giving your intentions a boost, it is a must have in every witch’s cupboard. No matter the spell you are doing, you can never go wrong with just a dash of cinnamon.